ThetaHealing with Pamela

Transforming your life is easy to do
with the ThetaHealing® Technique.

As children we dreamed of what we wanted to be when we ‘grew up’.  For many of us that was an exciting magical time.  As adults there are times when we might reminisce to what it was like, or wish that we could change our life to the life we dreamed of having as a child.  It is never too late to make the shifts in our beliefs and remove the traumas and beliefs that are holding us back and preventing us from living a life that we find energizing and joyful

The beliefs held in your subconscious (over 75%) are what is currently creating your reality.  It is our beliefs that create our thoughts and our thoughts create our actions.  These beliefs are the determining factor of so much of our life, they are the underlying cause of all or our relationships (good or not so good), successes, health, experiences and ultimately our happiness.  Through our beliefs we are creating our reality.

If a genie came to you and said that you could change anything in your life no questions asked what would you chose?  Would you select your health, your relationships, your lifestyle, your finances or is there something else entirely that keeps you up at night?  Do you find yourself weighed down by feelings of hopelessness or loneliness?  Are you stuck in a cycle of repeating or reliving the same traumas or patterns?  Do you have goals and dreams that you seem to just miss accomplishing?  If any of those resonate with you then ThetaHealing is something I would highly recommend you try.

With a ThetaHealing Technique session you will experience an immediate, positive result that is lasting and creates effective changes in your life.  This technique can be used to remove traumas, improve mental health, remove obstructive feelings and beliefs, and restore your overall health and well being.